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Dr. Justin Bergfield

Associate Professor of Physics
MLT Moulton Hall 311
  • About
  • Education
  • Research


M.Sc. Oxford University (2009), PhD University of Arizona (2011), CEO of Correlated Quanta (CQuanta),LLC.

Current Courses

102.003Atoms To Galaxies

102.004Atoms To Galaxies

307.001Seminar In Physics

407.001Seminar in Physics

425.001Statistical Mechanics

Research Interests & Areas

My group's research interests focus on systems where uniquely quantum resources, such as non-classical correlations (entanglement) and matter wave effects (superposition, interference), can be used to overcome classical design challenges or avoid them entirely. We develop the theories and codes necessary to investigate the entropy, charge, and spin transport through molecular junctions, open quantum systems composed of macroscopic electrodes coupled to microscopic molecules.

These systems are ideal for investigating the interplay between strongly correlated matter, quantum nonequilibrium thermodynamics, and information theory since quantum effects typically dominate a molecular junction’s response (even at room temperature) and can be harnessed via molecular design or junction symmetry. With our theories we study both fundamental and applied aspects of thermoelectric, spintronic, and “entanglement generation” quantum computing devices.

MS Photoluminescence of quantum dot-based systems

Oxford University
Oxford England

Journal Article

Bennett, N., Hendrickson, J., & Bergfield, J. Quantum Interference Enhancement of the Spin-Thermopower. ACS Nano 18.18 (2024)
Bergfield, J. Identifying Quantum Interference Effects from Joint Conductance–Thermopower Statistics. Nano Letters (2024)
Majidi, D., Bergfield, J., Maisi, V., & Courtois, H. Heat transport at the nanoscale and ultralow temperatures - implications for quantum technologies. Applied Physics Letters 124.14 (2024)
Baghernejad, M., Van Dyck, C., Bergfield, J., Levine, D., Gubicza, A., Tovar, J., Calame, M., Broekmann, P., & Hong, W. Quantum Interference Enhanced Chemical Responsivity in Single‐Molecule Dithienoborepin Junctions. Chemistry – A European Journal 25.66 (2019): 15141-15146.
Bergfield, J., & Hendrickson, J. Signatures of Plexcitonic States in Molecular Electroluminescence. Nature Scientific Reports (2018)


Quantum Interference Enhancement of the Spin-dependent Thermoelectric Response. March Meeting. American Physical Society. (2024)
Quantum Enhancement of the Spin-Thermopower in Single-Molecule Junctions. APS March Meeting. American Physical Society. (2023)
Quantum Thermoelectric Enhancement of Acyclic Cross-conjugated polymers. ISU Research Symposium. Illinois State University. (2023)
Quantum Information of Interference in Quantum Transport. APS March Meeting. American Physical Society. (2022)
Harnessing Quantum Correlations with Molecular Electronics. Invited Speaker at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. (2020)
Harnessing Quantum Correlations with Molecular Electronics. Invited Talk. (2020)
Quantum Interference Enhancement of Spin-Thermopower II. ISU Research Symposium. (2020)
Scanning Thermoelectric Microscope Theory. ISU Reseach Symposium. (2020)
Developing a Thermoelectric Microscope. NexSTEM Conference. (2019)
Emergence of Fourier’s law of heat transport in quantum electron systems. American Vacuum Society (AVS) Prairie Chapter Symposium. (2019)

Grants & Contracts

RUI: Quantum Information of Interference Features in Transport. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2024)
RUI: Quantum Enhanced Thermoelectric Response of Molecule-based Systems. National Science Foundation. Federal. (2018)