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Dr. David Marx

Associate Professor
MLT Moulton Hall 312b
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

109.001College Physics II

109.002College Physics II

109.003College Physics II

109.004College Physics II

390.007Computational Research In Physics

287.007Independent Study

400.007Independent Study

112.001Physics For Science And Engineering III

112.002Physics For Science And Engineering III

290.007Research In Physics

Teaching Interests & Areas

Dr. Marx is continually seeking to improve his teaching methods to reach both non-scientists and future physicists alike. He was written several teaching supplements that are used by instructors all over the United States for both algebra-based and calculus-based introductory physics courses. He believes that courses should be taught as interactively as possible; and thus, was an early adopter and promoter of the clicker technology at Illinois State University. He is the recipient of the University Teaching Initiative Award, CAS Dean's Award for Teaching (Honorable Mention), 2018 Impact Award, and the Student Teacher's Association Teaching Excellence Award.

Research Interests & Areas

Dr. Marx is an experimental solid state physicist. His research program generally includes the synthesis and characterization of bulk, thin film, and nanocrystalline materials. Characterization includes structural, electrical, and thermal properties. Dr. Marx is currently focused on thermal transport in composites, energy conversion devices including photovoltaics and thermoelectrics, particularly those incorporating novel nanoscale technologies.

Ph D Physics

Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, Illinois

BS Physics

University of Wisconsin - Parkside
Kenosha, Wisconsin

Scholarship Award

Red Tassel Chapter of Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society

Impact Award

University College / Office of the Provost

Outstanding College Service Award

College of Arts and Sciences

Dean’s Award for Outstanding Teaching

Illinois State University College of Arts & Sciences

University Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Team Excellence Award

Illinois State University

Excellence in Teaching Award

Student Education Association, Illinois State University

Book, Chapter

“Electrical Conduction in Dispersed Phase Solid Polymer Electrolytes: The Dielectric and Electric Modulus Approach,” Namrata Tripathi, Archana Shukla, Awalendra K. Thakur, and David T. Marx in Dynamic Processes in Solids, ed. J. House (Elsevier, Amsterdam, May 2023).
“Oxide Thermoelectrics: a Review and Case Study,” Namrata Tripathi, Archana Shukla, and David T. Marx in Dynamic Processes in Solids, ed. J. House (Elsevier, Amsterdam, May 2023).

Journal Article

Marx, D., Tripathi, N., Shukla, A., & Thakur, A. Electric Modulus and Conductivity Scaling Approach to the Analysis of Ion Transport in Solid Polymer Electrolytes. Polymer Engineering and Science 60.2 (2019): 297-305.
“Dielectric, Transport and Thermal Properties Study of Clay-based Polymer Nanocomposites,” Namrata Tripathi, Awalendra K. Thakur, Archana Shukla, and David T. Marx, Polymer Engineering & Science, 57, 220-227. (online March 9, 2017, in print February 8, 2018).
“Ion transport study in polymer-nanocomposite films by dielectric spectroscopy and conductivity scaling,” Namrata Tripathi, Awalendra K. Thakur, Archana Shulka, and David T. Marx. Physica B: Cond. Matter, 468-9, 50-66 (2015)
“Ion Conduction mechanism in Solid Polymer Electrolyte: An Applicability of Almond-West Formalism,” Namrata Shukla, Awalendra K. Thakur, Archana Shukla, and David T. Marx. Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 9, 7644-59 (2014).
“Microscopic Modeling of Phonon Modes in Semiconductor Nanocrystals,” Wei Cheng, SF Ren, and DT Marx. Nanoscience in Biomaterials, ed. Donglu Shi, [Springer-Verlag, 2009], 485-536.

Textbook, New

Marx, D. Energy: Connecting Earth and Everyone. Kendall-Hunt (2022)


Modified Angstrom's Method for the Measurement of Thermal Diffusivity on the Microscale within Carbon-Carbon Composite Materials. March Meting of the American Physical Society. American Physical Society. (2023)
Microscale Thermal Diffusivity Determination in Carbon Composites. Special Webinar for United Technologies. United Technologies, nc.. (2018)
Examining Brownian Motion in an Undergraduate Physics Lab Using Scattered Laser Light. ISU Undergraduate Research Symposium. (2012)
Examining Browning Motion in and Undergraduate Physics Lab Using Scattered Laser Light. Illinois State University Undergraduate Symposium. (2012)
Non-linear Nerve Simulation using an Electronic Circuit. ISU Undergraduate Research Symposium. (2012)
Piezoelectricity in Rochelle Salts. ISU Undergraduate Research Symposium. (2012)
The Effect of Cross-Turbulence on Counter-Rotating Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates. (2012)
Three Omega Technique to Measure Thermal Diffusivity of Thin Film Materials. Argonne Symposium for Undergraduates. (2012)
Nanostructured Thermoelectric Materials for Energy Applications. Physics Department Colloquium. Western Illinois University. (2011)
Recruitment and Retention in the Physics Department at Illinois State University. New Faculty Workshop Reunion Meeting. National Science Foundation. (2010)

Grants & Contracts

: Microscopic Analysis of Composite Materials. Raytheon Corporation. Private. (2022)
Semiconducting Superlattice Thermoelectrics. Center for Nanomaterials at Argonne National Lab. Federal. (2010)
Crystal Structure of Boron Carbide. Caterpillar Technical Center. Other. (2006)