All majors in the Physics department work with an advisor. Advisors help you plan your academic path, stay on track for graduation, and explore career options.
Freshmen and Prospective Students
All freshmen and undeclared students are advised by the University College Academic Advisement or Honors Program. Once a student has earned 24 credit hours and selected a major, the student is assigned to an advisor within their chosen academic department. Students may find contact information for their current advisor by logging in to My.IllinoisState.edu.
While freshmen and prospective students should work closely with U-College on advising, the Department of Physics is happy to work with students who wish to get involved with the department early in their academic careers. Visit our Student Life page to learn about our clubs and student organizations or contact the department for more info.
Current Majors
Students should download and review the advising syllabus prior to meeting with an advisor.
Undergraduate Physics majors (including Physics, Engineering Physics, and Computational Physics) and Physics minors who have earned at least 24 credit hours are advised by Mandy Webster. Students may schedule an appointment with Mandy.
All Physics Teacher Education (PTE) majors are advised by Ken Wester. PTE students may schedule an appointment with Ken by email at kwester@IllinoisState.edu.